Trams in Cieszyn 1911-1921 Česky   Polski
The building of the Košice-Bohumín railway line stimulated significant economic growth in Cieszyn. In 1909, in order to create an efficient transport link between the historical town centre (today's Cieszyn) and the railway station in the rapidly developing new part of the town on the other side of the River Olza (today's Český Těšín), the town applied for a concession to build an electric tramline. After being given the concession in 1910 the Viennese firm AEG started the construction work.

Regular passenger transport began on 12 February 1911. The route, 1,793 metres long, led from ul. Bielska thorough the Rynek (Market Square) and then along ul. Głęboka, ending up at the railway station after crossing the bridge over the Olza. Passing loops were located on the Market Square and in front of the bridge. There was a 631 metre siding leading to the depot in ul. Zamkowa. The depot was small, consisting of three tracks which could accommodate two trams each, and a maintenance siding.
There was a traction tension of 750 V; overhead wires were suspended at a height of 5 to 5.5 m above the tracks.
The tram service employed 21 people. The first group of tram drivers and service staff were trained in Vienna, the others in Cieszyn.
Paper ticket of 14 halersBrass token of 6 halersAluminium token of 12 halers

The tram fare was 12-14 halers. At the beginning paper tickets checked by ticket inspectors were used and later tokens were introduced.

After the end of the First World War and the division of the town in 1920 the tram continued to run between the Polish and Czech parts of the town (i.e. between Cieszyn and Český Těšín). However intensive controls on the border bridge (which, apart from the passengers, also included the checking of the inside of the tram and the undercarriage) made the service inefficient. The division of the town between two countries resulted in the decision to cease the operation of the tramline. It finally took place on 2 April 1921, though at first it was only intended to be a temporary suspension. The tramcars were placed in the depot on the Polish side. In 1921 one of the tramcars was sold to Bielsko and the rest were sold to Łódź in 1922-23. The tracks and wires were dismantled in 1923.

Český Těšín planned to establish its own tram service, but it was never put into action. Today in Český Těšín and Cieszyn there is a public bus service.

The tramcar bought by the town of Bielsko was used as a freight car and a standby until 1925 when it was sold to Łódź.

In Łódź the tramcars were renumbered (nos. 39-42) and their exteriors remodelled. Within the Łódź Narrow Gauge Electric Railway (in Polish ŁWEKD) they ran as municipal public transport to Ruda Pabianicka and Tuszyn (see the map of Łódź and surroundings
Map of Łódź and surroundings from 1938. Places where Cieszyn trams reached are marked red.
). They were also used as replacement trams along the route to Pabianice and as training trams.
During the Second World War they also served as special trains (Sonderzug). They would run - once in the morning and once in the afternoon - from Pabianice to Łódź and back carrying Germans who lived in Pabianice but worked in Łódź. These trains would not stop at all between Pabianice and Łódź and they had exclusive right of way.
In 1956 two tramcars were scrapped, and another two were converted into trailers. The last trailer tramcar was taken out of service on 9 May 1959. More information on trams in Łódź on the website Łódzkie tramwaje i autobusy.

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